Burnt Out to Brilliant

When You Want Guidance But Don’t Have Time For Therapy

Shout out to all my people who are out there pouring from an empty cup.

It’s 2024, and Mental Health Has Never Been a Bigger Issue for Women

The world is complex, unpredictable, and cruel, and if you feel like you’re not living up to your own standards – in anything from love, to work, to mental stability, to just being a woman on this earth – take a deep breath because help is on the way.

You don’t want soothing words.

You want actual change.

To step into a new life, a more resilient, focused “you,” and adopt a lifestyle that elevates and serves you… instead of one that injects you with dread and incompleteness. 

Because if you’re anything like the hundreds of women I’ve worked with, you’ve already read the books, dished about your problems to your friends, and really, sincerely tried to make a shift… but every strategy so far has just plopped you right back to where you are now.

I have a solution.

Filling Your Cup First: Fulfilling Relationships & Healthy Professionals

Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?

  • You yearn to have a better, more successful routine, but it’s always pushed off to tomorrow… then the next day…then the next

  • The things that used to feel interesting and exciting are now lackluster, like the fun has been vacuumed out of it

  • You feel disorganized, chronically late, stretched too thin, and never have “you” time

  • Sleep is inconsistent, and getting a solid night’s rest is a distant memory

  • Emotional meltdowns and feelings of being overwhelmed have become all too common

  • You feel like you’re stuck, or that you’re a disappointment, or that you just can’t win

  • Your brain feels like an internet browser with too many tabs open

  • And the doom-scrolling and social media aren’t helping….

Trust Me… Things Can Get Better

Imagine getting help from someone who has the exact antidote to the above problems and is happy to share them.

  • Imagine every day, chipping away at the problem, piece by piece, so that in a few short months, you’ve blossomed into the confident woman you know you can be.

  • You already know she’s down there somewhere.

  • I don’t think you’ve given up.

  • That’s why you’re on this page: the solution is there, somewhere.

  • And it’s become my life’s work and greatest accomplishment to help you heal, grow, and shift yourself into the confident get-sh!t-done goddess that’s been hiding for far too long.

A Transformative Journey To A Better YOU

Burnt Out to Brilliant is an on-demand, skills based program.

I know you.

(I’ve been you.)

You don’t want to give up on making a difference, but how you feel now is not sustainable.

The colleague who has stayed in the field way too long?

(you know who I’m talking about)

This isn’t normal therapy or just “talking it out.”

Instead, it’s a forum for real, lasting growth built on the specific strategies that women are using right now to recalibrate their lives. 

Imagine yourself 10 years from now…

Will you be:

Are you ready to try something new, commit to yourself and your well-being, and get ready to live the life you know is possible?

Meet Your Guide: Ann Robinson

I’m a licensed clinical social worker and burnout coach, and I’m wildly passionate about supporting women to be their best selves. 
With my help, you’ll feel empowered to find clarity in your wants, needs, and thoughts.
And through that, I’ll help you build up from your current situation, blow the dust off your goals, and prove to you that they are more attainable than you might think.
I’m here to subtract the fuzziness from your life and give you direction, confidence, and time management skills so you truly have your cake and eat it too.
That means professional fulfillment as well as personal indulgence.
Meeting the needs of your family as well as leading a life that completely serves you.
And erasing the negative self-talk, artifacts of trauma, and “not good enough” attitude that toxifies everything it touches. 

It’s also worth knowing that I don’t do "one-size-fits-all" solutions. 

The same approach won’t work for everyone. 

I believe that each individual's journey is unique and that personalized strategies are essential for true growth and well-being.

Filling Your Cup First is a 6-month, premier program that includes:

  • 15 dynamic modules that are clear, direct, and easy to access, giving you the specific information you need to change your outlook and relationships.

  • BONUS: Boundaries workshop: Our proven techniques help you establish and reinforce boundaries in your relationships so you stop giving too much and asking for too little.

  • BONUS: Values-Based Living/Goal Setting Method: Get laser-focused and clear on what matters to you and how to live aligned with your values.

  • BONUS: Program in Review - Self Analysis: There is nothing cooler than being able to use data in your life to track and analyze your growth and performance

I hate to brag.

(I’ll let those I’ve worked with do it for me.)

  • “Ann's group is engaging, welcoming, informing, intentional, meaningful, and full of "what!? I didn't even know that" or "wow, that makes soooo much sense" moments. This space has definitely widened and deepened my understanding in a way that is meaningful to me personally and professionally.”

  • “I feel less alone and incompetent and more empowered!”

  • “I feel like I am inching closer and closer to becoming who I really am! That would not have been possible without the opportunities to learn about the topics we discuss here.”

  • “I really enjoy this group! I really appreciate it when we share insights and receive materials after the group to use in our own life.”

  • “I feel like I have been introduced to topics that I wouldn't otherwise have thought to seek out. Hearing from other people has given me a new perspective on how I work with some problems.”

  • “This group is a fresh breath of air after long, exhausting work days. I look forward to it and like making space for it in my schedule. A space to be challenged and also encouraged - receiving lots of wisdom from all of the participants.”

  • “I've been able to see how normal it is for everyone to not know everything, and it helps me regulate my own expectations.”

So What Now?

You have 3 (and only 3) options.

  • Option 1

    Sure, you may want to transform and grow… but do you absolutely HAVE to? No. I only want to take you on this journey if you’re motivated, and I like filling groups with ladies who know their time is now. If you’re comfortable and can live with every aspect of your life as it is now, then staying put in your current situation is an option.

  • Option 2

    You can take my method, my success stories, and my strategies as motivation and know that growth is possible, but maybe you want to go it alone. There are plenty of resources out there to help you process, self-reflect, and improve. This is a great option for people who want to “figure it out themselves” and not reinvent the wheel (not recommended because of its regrettably low success rate – but for a select few, it does work).

  • Option 3

    Take my extended hand and get the help you need right now! This is the shortcut to making a permanent and valuable change that can benefit you for the rest of your days. It’s something I hear constantly: “Ann, I wish I would have found you sooner!”

    Well, today is “sooner” compared to the rest of your life. ☺️

When you don’t have time for therapy:

Welcome to an atmosphere of understanding, empathy, and support

“If you want to go fast,” says the old African proverb, “go alone.”
But if you want to go far, go together.”

It’s easy to read a book or attend a seminar and have a fleeting feeling of empowerment.

But it doesn’t last.

In this receptive, kind, confidential atmosphere, you’ll be encouraged to open up, forgive yourself, and approach the hard topics.

And it becomes even easier among peers who are navigating the exact same struggles as you.

You didn’t read this whole page just for fun.

Get the help you need to create the life you want:

  • Neutralize insecurities

  • Take back control of your thoughts and actions

  • Silence self-doubt

  • Ingrain unshakeable habits

  • And by this time next year, you won’t even recognize the “old” you.