Meet Victoria.
Fort Collins Therapist

Hi, I’m Victoria!

  • she/her

  • LGBTQ+ Affirming

  • Passionate about building communities of care.

  • I've lived on three continents in my life so far!

  • My other job is as a sex and reproductive health educator!

  • Registered Yoga Instructor who loves moving in new ways

  • Curious by nature.

  • Enjoys creating and eating plant-based recipes.

You're on your couch, feeling nowhere near ready to click the "schedule meeting" button for our intro session.

You picked a time…

Oh man... here we go. Maybe I should just say something came up.
Do I really need this?
Actually... I think my dog has a hangnail, I should handle that instead.

But deep down, you know you deserve this.
You feel it in your bones.

And then, five minutes into our meeting, you're thinking,
Hey, Victoria isn't so bad!

Before you know it, you're actually looking forward to our sessions (no joke!) because after each meeting, you feel heard, understood, and a whole lot lighter (even on those days when you feel like a total trainwreck!).

Week by week, you start noticing real changes.
The work is hard, but it's HAPPENING.
It feels amazing to have me in your corner, cheering you on, challenging you, and reminding you,

"You’ve got this!"

Here’s the best part of working together:

That nagging worry, sadness, anger, and frustration?
They’ll start to fade into the background.

You’ll experience “aha” moment in our sessions that make you feel empowered again.You’ll notice small weekly changes that help you rediscover your true self.

You are the one making all these amazing changes in your life.

You did the hard work.

You showed up every session, ready to dive deep.

I’m just your sidekick, helping to spark your superpowers and cracking a few corny jokes along the way.

Live Your Best Life

  • A smiling woman with long, wavy brown hair wearing a black top, sitting against a blue background. The friendly and approachable expression suggests a welcoming environment, ideal for those seeking help with social anxiety in Fort Collins, Colorado.

    About you

    I offer individual therapy for folks seeking big (or little) life changes or perspectives. We start by getting clear on your why. We help you get crystal clear about what matters to you, and we come up with a reasonable plan of action together. I offer inclusive and holistic counseling so you can quiet your mind and get back into your life.

  • A smiling woman with long, wavy brown hair, wearing a black top, and sitting against a blue background. Keywords: social anxiety, CBT for anxiety, teen counseling, therapy for teenagers, overcome anxiety.

    Your Strengths

    Do you struggle with feeling stuck and worried? Are you scared that your anxiety affects your ability to have the best partnership, career, family, or life? Do you wonder if your relationship could be better? Now more than ever, folks feel so overwhelmed about being the best partner, friend, employee, or student. Not addressing your anxiety can lead to a lifetime of feeling stuck and afraid. I believe there is hope and answers to your questions.

  • A smiling woman with long, wavy brown hair, wearing a black top, and sitting against a blue background. Keywords: social anxiety, CBT for anxiety, teen counseling, therapy for teenagers, overcome anxiety.

    Rediscover Yourself

    Supporting your journey is my goal. I guide you to connect with your partner, set boundaries, and make informed decisions. Book today for a free consultation, and we’ll take the first step together.

Insurance & Fees

  • Victoria is in-network with the following insurance plans:

    Rocky Mountain Health Plan (Medicaid)
    United Behavioral Health/UMR

  • You can access therapy with Victoria for $100 per session without insurance or utilizing your out-of-network benefits.

Why Choose an Intern Therapist?

Working with an intern therapist can offer a unique and highly beneficial experience. Therapists in training bring fresh perspectives, a strong educational foundation, and a passion for helping clients navigate their mental health journeys. 

Here are some key benefits of working with an intern:

  • Eager to Help: Interns are enthusiastic and committed to providing the best care possible, bringing energy and dedication to each session.

  • Well-Educated: Intern therapists have the latest knowledge and techniques from their recent academic training, ensuring their approaches are grounded in current best practices.

  • Focused Attention: With a smaller caseload, intern therapists can offer more personalized and attentive care, giving you the time and support you need.

  • Regular Supervision: Interns receive frequent supervision from experienced professionals, ensuring high-quality care and the benefit of multiple expert perspectives on your treatment.

  • Cost-Effective: Services provided by intern therapists are typically offered at a fraction of the cost of licensed therapists, making therapy more accessible and affordable.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!