April Reads: Books This Therapist Enjoyed in April 2023

Reclaiming Body Trust: A Path to Healing and Liberation by Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant

Reclaiming Body Trust: A Path to Healing and Liberation by Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant is an empowering and transformative guide for individuals seeking to heal their relationship with their bodies and find freedom from the constraints of diet culture. The authors, co-founders of the Be Nourished body trust program, offer a comprehensive approach that blends mindfulness, self-compassion, and body acceptance.

One of the strengths of Reclaiming Body Trust is the authors' deep understanding of the damage that diet culture can cause to individuals' mental and physical health. They illustrate how diet culture perpetuates harmful myths and norms that promote unrealistic beauty standards, stigmatize certain body types, and create a sense of shame and guilt around food and eating. Through their compassionate and non-judgmental approach, the authors challenge readers to unlearn these harmful beliefs and behaviors and to rediscover a sense of trust and connection with their bodies.

The book is divided into three parts; each focuses on a different aspect of the authors' approach. Part One explores the origins of diet culture and its impact on individuals' lives. The authors explain how diet culture is deeply ingrained in our society and contributes to various health issues, including disordered eating, anxiety, and depression. They also introduce the concept of body trust, which involves learning to listen to one's body and trust its innate wisdom.

Part Two of the book focuses on the practical tools and techniques individuals can use to reclaim body trust. The authors provide a range of exercises and activities, such as mindfulness practices, journaling prompts, and body scans, designed to help readers tune into their bodies and develop a more compassionate and accepting relationship with themselves. They also provide guidance on navigating the challenges and setbacks that can arise during the healing process.

In Part Three, the authors explore how reclaiming body trust can lead to greater liberation and social justice. They argue that by rejecting diet culture and embracing body trust, individuals can challenge the systemic oppression perpetuated by the beauty and wellness industries. They encourage readers to advocate for change and join the movement for body liberation.

Overall, Reclaiming Body Trust is a powerful and inspiring book that offers a roadmap for individuals seeking to break free from the constraints of diet culture and reclaim their sense of self. The authors' compassionate and evidence-based approach makes this book an essential resource for anyone struggling with disordered eating, body shame, or anxiety about their body.

Set Boundaries Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Tawwab

Set Boundaries Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Tawwab is a valuable resource for anyone who struggles with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in their personal and professional lives. Drawing on her extensive experience as a licensed therapist, Tawwab offers practical guidance and actionable strategies to help readers understand the importance of boundaries and learn how to set them to support their mental and emotional well-being.

The book is divided into three sections, each focusing on a different aspect of boundary-setting. The first section, "Understanding Boundaries," lays the foundation by explaining boundaries, why they're essential, and how to identify when your boundaries have been crossed. Tawwab also explores common misconceptions about boundaries, such as the idea that setting boundaries is selfish or rude.

The second section, "Creating Boundaries," is where the book shines. Tawwab offers practical advice for establishing and communicating your boundaries clearly and assertively. She covers topics such as how to say "no" without feeling guilty, set boundaries with toxic people, and navigate boundary-setting in different types of relationships. Each chapter includes real-life examples and exercises to help readers put the strategies into practice.

The final section, "Maintaining Boundaries," focuses on how to stay committed to your boundaries over the long term. Tawwab emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-awareness in maintaining healthy boundaries and guides handling situations where your boundaries are challenged or ignored.

I found Set Boundaries Find Peace an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their boundary-setting skills. Tawwab's writing is clear and engaging, and her advice is both practical and compassionate. The book is packed with valuable tips and strategies, and I appreciated how Tawwab included real-life examples to help illustrate her points. Whether dealing with a challenging relationship, struggling to say "no" to demands on your time and energy, or simply looking to prioritize your needs more effectively, Set Boundaries Find Peace is an invaluable guide to reclaiming yourself and living a more fulfilling life.

You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance by Chani Nichols

You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance by Chani Nichols is a compelling guide to understanding astrology as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Nichols is a well-known astrologer who has gained a large following for her insightful and empowering approach to the practice. In this book, she shares her wisdom and expertise with readers new to astrology or looking to deepen their understanding of it.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part introduces astrology and its various components, including the signs, planets, houses, and aspects. Nichols explains these concepts in clear, concise language, making them accessible. She also discusses how astrology can be used for self-exploration and personal growth.

The book's second part is dedicated to each of the twelve zodiac signs. Nichols offers an in-depth analysis of each sign, including its strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth. She also guides how to work with the energy of each sign in your own life, offering specific practices and suggestions for harnessing the power of astrology to live a more fulfilling life.

One of the things that set You Were Born for This apart from other astrology books is Nichols' emphasis on self-acceptance and empowerment. Rather than using astrology to predict the future or define ourselves in limiting ways, she encourages readers to use it to understand themselves more deeply and embrace their unique strengths and challenges.

Throughout the book, Nichols shares anecdotes and insights from her own journey with astrology. This helps to make the material relatable and engaging while also demonstrating the transformative power of astrology when used with intention and mindfulness.

One potential criticism of You Were Born for This is that it may not offer enough depth for readers already well-versed in astrology. However, it is an excellent informative and inspiring resource for those new to the practice or looking to deepen their understanding.

Overall, You Were Born for This is an excellent guide to astrology that emphasizes self-discovery, empowerment, and radical self-acceptance. Nichols' writing is clear, engaging, and relatable, making the book accessible to anyone curious about astrology and its potential for personal growth. Highly recommended.

Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman

Judith Herman's "Trauma and Recovery" is a seminal work that delves into the nature of trauma and its effects on individuals and society. As a renowned psychiatrist and trauma expert, Herman presents a comprehensive and insightful analysis of trauma and the process of healing from it, drawing on her extensive clinical experience and research.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part provides an overview of trauma and its impact on individuals, with a particular emphasis on the experience of trauma survivors. Herman argues that trauma is not just an individual experience but also a social and political phenomenon that can profoundly affect communities and societies. She explores how trauma can manifest in different contexts, such as war, sexual abuse, and domestic violence, and how it can shape individuals' psychological, emotional, and physical well-being.

The second part of the book focuses on the recovery process from trauma. Herman argues that recovery is not just about overcoming the symptoms of trauma but also about restoring a sense of agency and control to survivors and helping them rebuild their lives meaningfully. She outlines a three-stage model of recovery, which involves establishing safety, reconstructing the trauma narrative, and reconnecting with others and the wider community. Herman emphasizes the importance of therapeutic interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, as well as the role of social support in promoting recovery.

The book's final part explores the broader social and political implications of trauma and recovery. Herman argues that trauma is not just a personal issue but also a societal issue that requires collective action. She discusses how trauma can perpetuate cycles of violence and oppression and calls for a more compassionate and just response to trauma survivors. Herman emphasizes the importance of social justice and political action in promoting healing and recovery from trauma.

Overall, "Trauma and Recovery" is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the nature of trauma and its effects on individuals and society. Herman's compassionate and insightful approach provides a roadmap for healing and recovery while highlighting trauma's broader social and political implications. This book is a must-read for clinicians, policymakers, and anyone who cares about the well-being of trauma survivors.


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